
2023-12-26  点击:[]



首届天津市杰出青年基金获得者,天津市“131人才工程”第一层次人选,天津市创新人才推进计划中青年科技创新领军人才,天津市高校“学科领军人才培养计划”人选。天津市节能玻璃企业重点实验室学术委员会主任,中国硅酸盐学会测试技术分会理事,天津市储能学会理事等,Advanced Powder Materials、Material Science & Engineering Journal、天津城建大学学报等期刊编委。主持承担国家自然科学基金等科研项目20余项;在Nano Energy、Small、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental等国内外期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文240余篇,其中SCI检索220余篇,ESI高被引论文27篇(热点论文5篇),他引9000多次,h因子52;出版教材1部,学术专著2部;申请国家发明专利40余项;获天津市科学技术进步一等奖1项、二等奖1项、三等奖4项,天津市自然科学三等奖1项。入选全球前2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力”排行榜单(1960-2022),“全球顶尖前10万科学家榜单”


  1. 建筑低碳功能材料

     2. 能源环境催化化学与催化材料

     3. 光电材料、光伏太阳能电池及与建筑一体化


2004.02-2006.06 天津大学  工学博士  材料学

2000.09-2003.03 天津大学  工学硕士  材料学

1996.09-2000.06 天津城建大学  学士  无机非金属材料


2006.06-今 天津城建大学材料科学与工程学院  教授 硕士生导师

2003.04-2003.12 天津三星电极有限公司  主管

2008.03-2011.03 天津大学化工学院  博士后

2008.11-2009.11 意大利那不勒斯费德里克二世大学  访问学者

2013.07-2013.08 新加坡南洋理工大学  访问学者


1. 国家重点研发计划“城镇可持续发展关键技术与装备”—子课题,室内健康环境营造材料关键技术与应用—高性能无机防水材料和自适应调节材料及关键应用技术—高抗渗防水自修复材料设计与应用关键技术,2023-12至2027-11,在研,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金,52373301,多场耦合提升缓变异质结载流子分离效率与分解水性能及机理研究,2024-01至2027-12,在研,主持。

3. 天津市重点研发计划项目,22YFZCSN00010,氧化钨基电致变色节能建筑玻璃的研发,2022-10至2025-09,在研,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金,52073200,热-光-电协同促进热释电材料催化分解水性能及载流子分离机制研究,2021-01至2024-12,在研,主持。

5. 天津市重点研发计划项目-京津冀三地联合攻关项目,19YFSLQY00020,光电催化降解污染物新型光电极的研发,2019-10至2021-09,已结题,主持。

6. 首届天津市杰出青年基金,17JCJQJC44800,多结电极构筑、载流子复合机制及光电催化降解污染物研究,2017-10至2020-09,已结题,主持。

7. 天津市高校“学科领军人才”人选,2017-09至2020-08。

8. 天津市自然科学基金,16JCYBJC17900,CoO可见光催化体系的光解水制氢、催化活性及机理研究,2016-04至2019-03,已结题,主持。

9. 天津市优秀科技特派员项目,15JCTPJC61100,玻璃企业发展战略及建筑自清洁玻璃研究,2015-10至2016-09,已结题,主持。

10. 重质油国家重点实验室开放基金,SKLHOP201505,纳米线异质结的构筑及光水解制氢研究,2015-01至2016-12,已结题,主持。

11. 天津市“131创新人才工程”第一层次人选,2013-10至2015-10。

12. 国家星火计划项目,2013GA610004,农村污水处理用高效复合光催化材料的研究与应用,2013-01至2014-12,已结题,主持。

13. 国家自然科学基金项目,51102174,窄禁带量子点/宽禁带纳米线异质结构光催化体系的构筑、界面特性及水解制氢,2012-01至2014-12,已结题,主持。

14. 天津市自然科学基金,11JCYBJC27000,沸石负载双掺杂TiO2复合结构的构筑及深度处理氨氮废水,2011-10至2014-09,已结题,主持。

15. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,201003294,基于双梯度纳米晶电极结构的n-型TiO2/CdS/p-型CuSCN异质结太阳电池,2009-09至2011-08,已结题,主持。

16. 教育部科学技术研究重点项目,208008,NPC电池一维有序TiO2纳米管阵列电极膜及其复合敏化工艺研究,2008-03至2011-03,已结题,主持。

17. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,20080440674,纳米管阵列阳极膜的禁带梯度化设计、制备及电池性能研究,2008-03至2010-08,已结题,主持。

18. 天津市高等学校科技发展基金计划项目,20071204,高效NPC电池用一维取向纳米柱晶阵列阳极膜研究,2007-11至2009-10,已结题,主持。

19. 住房和城乡建设部科学技术计划项目,2007-K1-30,纳米晶太阳能电池复合多孔电极膜及其敏化工艺研究,2007-03至2009-09,已结题,主持。


l 学术科研论文


(1) Yunfei Wu, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Chengyi Wang, Zhifeng Liu*. Optimization of the IO3 polar group of BiOIO3 by bulk phase doping amplifies pyroelectric polarization to enhance carrier separation and improve the pyro-photo-electric catalytic performance. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 339: 123169. IF:24.319JCR一区】

(2) Tianhao Li, Yongjin Zou*, Zhifeng Liu*. Magnetic-thermal external field activate the pyro-magnetic effect of pyroelectric crystal (NaNbO3) to build a promising multi-field coupling-assisted photoelectrochemical water splitting system. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 328: 122486. IF:24.319JCR一区】

(3) Shaoce Zhang, Bo Zhang, Dong Chen, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Zhifeng Liu*. Promising pyro-photo-electric catalysis in NaNbO3 via integrating solar and cold-hot alternation energy in pyroelectric-assisted photoelectrochemical system. Nano Energy, 2021, 79: 105485. IF:19.069JCR一区】

(4) Jianhua Han, Huiyu Yan, Chenxi Hu, Qinggong Song, Jianhai Kang, Yanrui Guo, Zhifeng Liu*. Simultaneous modulation of interface reinforcement, crystallization, anti-reflection and carrier transport in Sb gradient-doped SnO2/Sb2S3 heterostructure for efficient photoelectrochemical cell. Small, 2022, 18: 2105026. IF:15.153JCR一区】

(5) Shaoce Zhang1, Dong Chen1, Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo. Novel strategy for efficient water splitting through pyro-electric and pyro-photo-electric catalysis of BaTiO3 by using thermal resource and solar energy. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 284: 119686. IF:24.319JCR一区】

(6) Shaoce Zhang, Zhifeng Liu*, Dong Chen, Weiguo Yan. An efficient hole transfer pathway on hematite integrated by ultrathin Al2O3 interlayer and novel CuCoOx cocatalyst for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 277: 119197. IF:24.319JCR一区】

(7) Yanting Li, Zhifeng Liu*, Junwei Li, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo. An effective strategy of constructing multi-junction structure by integrating a heterojunction and a homojunction to promote charge separation and transfer efficiency of WO3. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8: 6256-6267. IF:14.511JCR一区】

(8) Dong Chen, Zhifeng Liu*, Shaoce Zhang. Enhanced PEC performance of hematite photoanode coupled with bimetallic oxyhydroxide NiFeOOH through a simple electroless method. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 265: 118580. IF:24.319JCR一区】

(9) Shaoce Zhang, Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Lei E, Wei Zhao, Dan Zhao, Xiangfeng Wu, Daimei Chen. Enhanced piezoelectric-effect-assisted photoelectrochemical performance in ZnO modified with dual cocatalysts. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 262: 118279. IF:24.319JCR一区】

(10) Miao Zhou1, Zhengang Guo1, Zhifeng Liu*. FeOOH as hole transfer layer to retard the photocorrosion of Cu2O for enhanced photoelctrochemical performance. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 206: 118213.IF:24.319JCR一区】

(11) Miao Zhou, Zhihua Liu, Qinggong Song, Xifei Li, Bowen Chen, Zhifeng Liu*. Hybrid 0D/2D edamame shaped ZnIn2S4 photoanode modified by Co-Pi and Pt for charge management towards efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 244: 188-196. IF:24.319JCR一区

(12) Tianhao Li, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Chengyi Wang, Zhifeng Liu*. Modulation of lewis and brønsted acidic site to enhance the redox ability of Nb2O5 photoanode for efficient photoelectrochemical performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15: 11914-11926. IF:10.383JCR一区】

(13) Jinyang Li, Chunyan Hu, Baojiang Liu*, Zhifeng Liu*. Dual pathway reduction of Mo4+ and photogenerated electrons restore catalytic sites to enhance heterogeneous peroxymonosulfate activation system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 452: 139246. IF:16.744JCR一区】

(14) Miao Zhou, Zhengang Guo*, Qinggong Song, Xifei Li, Zhifeng Liu*. Improved photoelectrochemical response of CuWO4/BiOI p-n heterojunction embedded with plasmonic Ag nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 370: 218-277. IF:16.744JCR一区】

(15) Zhifeng Liu1*, Qinggong Song1, Miao Zhou*, Zhengang Guo, Jianhai Kang, Huiyu Yan. Synergistic enhancement of charge management and surface reaction kinetics by spatially separated cocatalysts and p-n heterojunctions in Pt/CuWO4/Co3O4 photoanode. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 374: 554-563. IF:16.744JCR一区】

(16) Shaoce Zhang, Zhifeng Liu*, Dong Chen, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan. Oxygen vacancies engineering in TiO2 homojunction/ZnFe-LDH for enhanced photoelectrochemical water oxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 395: 125101. IF:16.744JCR一区】

(17) Haiyang Xing, Lei E, Zhengang Guo, Dan Zhao, Zhifeng Liu*. Enhancement in the charge transport and photocorrosion stability of CuO photocathode: the synergistic effect of spatially separated dual-cocatalysts and p-n heterojunction. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 394: 124907. IF:16.744JCR一区】

(18) Dong Chen, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Weiguo Yan, Mengnan Ruan. Decorating Cu2O photocathode with noble-metal-free Al and NiS cocatalysts for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting by light harvesting management and charge separation design. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 381: 122655. IF:16.744JCR一区】

(19) Jinyang Li, Chunyan Hu, Baojiang Liu*, Zhifeng Liu*. Dual pathway reduction of Mo4+ and photogenerated electrons restore catalytic sites to enhance heterogeneous peroxymonosulfate activation system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 452: 139246. IF:16.744JCR一区】

(20) Quanyou Zhao, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Weiguo Yan. The collaborative mechanism of surface S-vacancies and piezoelectric polarization for boosting CdS photoelectrochemical performance. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433: 133226.IF:16.744JCR一区】

(21) Shaoce Zhang, Zhifeng Liu*, Weiguo Yan, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan. Decorating non-noble metal plasmonic Al on TiO2/Cu2O photoanode to boost performance in photoelectrochemical water splitting. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 41: 1884-1893. IF:12.920JCR一区】

(22) Yanting Li, Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Xifei Li. The 1D WO3 nanorods/2D WO3-x nanoflakes homojunction structure for enhanced charge separation and transfer towards efficient photoelectrochemical performance. ChemSusChem, 2019, 12: 5282-5290. IF:9.140JCR一区】

(23) Dong Chen, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Weiguo Yan. 3D branched Ca-Fe2O3/Fe2O3 decorated with Pt and Co-Pi: improved charge separation dynamics and photoelectrochemical performance. ChemSusChem, 2019, 12: 3286-3295. IF:9.140JCR一区】

(24) Yanting Li, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Xifei Li, Yilin Liu. Efficient WO3 photoanode modified by Pt layer and plasmonic Ag for enhanced charge separation and transfer to promote photoelectrochemical performances. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7: 12582-12590. IF:9.224JCR一区】

(25) Hongqin Zhao, Ying Chen, Lei Zhao, Xiaoping Liang*, Zhifeng Liu*. An efficient multi-color electrochromic electrode based on nanocomposite of aniline and o-toluidine copolymer with nickel oxide. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2023, 257: 112374. IF:7.305JCR一区】

(26) Yue Meng1, Yaru Zhao1, Zhifeng Liu*. Enhanced pyro-/photo catalysis of the pyroelectric PZT/CdS heterostructure for dye decomposition driven by visible light and cold-hot cycles. Ceramics International, 2023, 49: 31144-31151. IF:5.532JCR一区】

(27) Hongqian Zhao, Yue Meng, Haiyan Yu*, Zixu Li, Zhifeng Liu*. 1D/2D Co3O4/NiO composite film for high electrochromic performance. Ceramics International, 2022, 48: 32205-32212. IF:5.532JCR一区】

(28) Yayao Lan, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Xifei Li. A promising p-type Co-ZnFe2O4 nanorods film as photocathode for photoelectrochemical water splitting. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56: 5279-5282. IF:6.065JCR二区】

(29) Hongxia Qian, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Weiguo Yan. A promising ternary sulfide bidirectional p-n heterojunction for unassisted tandem photoelectrochemical cell. Chemical Communications, 2021, 51: 4910-4913. IF:6.065JCR二区】

(30) Hongmiao Zhou, Ruolin Chen, Changcun Han*, Pan Wang, Zhengfu Tong, Baohua Tan, Yizhong Huang, Zhifeng Liu*. Copper phosphide decorated g-C3N4 catalysts for highly efficient photocatalytic H2 evolution. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 610: 126-135. IF:9.965JCR二区】

(31) Tianhao Li, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Yongjin Zou*, Zhifeng Liu*. Doping regulating spontaneous polarization and pyroelectric effects to synergistically promote the water splitting efficiency of niobate (KxNa1-xNbO3) pyro-photo-electrical coupling system. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 592: 153255. IF:7.392JCR二区】

(32) Jingke You, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Yue Meng, Junwei Li. Manipulating the charge separation via piezoelectric field and heterojunction to enhance the photoelectrochemical water splitting ability of Bi2WO6/BiOBr photoanode. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 38609-38621. IF:7.139JCR二区】

(33) Tianhao Li, Zhifeng Liu*, Yue Meng. Two-dimensional ultra-thin nanosheets optimize the surface reaction dynamics and photo/pyro-generated carrier transfer of NaNbO3 for efficient pyro-photo-electric catalytic system. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2022, 6: 4227-4239. IF:6.813JCR二区】

(34) Jingke You, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Weiguo Yan. Doping of W ions to modulate the polarization intensity of Bi2WO6 for efficient piezoelectric-photoelechochemical water splitting. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2022, 5: 11472-11482. IF:6.959JCR二区】

(35) Zixu Li, Zhifeng Liu*, Lei Zhao, Ying Chen, Junwei Li, Weiguo Yan. Efficient electrochromic efficiency and stability of amorphous/crystalline tungsten oxide film. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 930: 167405. IF:6.371JCR二区】

(36) Zhenxiang Qiao, Zhifeng Liu*, Weiguo Yan, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Xiangfeng Wu. Pyro-photo-electric catalysis in Bi2WO6 nanostructures for efficient degradation of dyes under thermal-assisted visible light irradiation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 892: 162203. IF:6.371JCR二区】

(37) Changcun Han, Pengfei Su, Baohua Tan, Xinguo Ma, Hui Lv, Chuyun Huang, Pan Wang, Zhengfu Tong, Gen Li, Yizhong Huang, Zhifeng Liu*. Defective ultra-thin two-dimensional g-C3N4 photocatalyst for enhanced photocatalytic H2 evolution activity. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 581: 159-166. IF:9.965JCR二区】

(38) Zhichao Hao, Mengnan Ruan*, Zhengang Guo, Weiguo Yan, Xiangfeng Wu, Zhifeng Liu*. The synergistic role with photosensitivity effect and extended space charge region on inorganic-organic WO3/PANI photoanode for efficient PEC water splitting. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2021, 5: 2893-2906. IF: 6.813JCR二区】

(39) Ling Wei, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Yue Meng*, Weiguo Yan. Synergistic use solid solution and cocatalyst on CoxCd1-xS/NiyFe1-y-LDH for efficient and stable photoelectrochemical performance. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021, 4: 7233-7241. IF:6.959JCR二区】

(40) Quanyou Zhao, Zhifeng Liu*, Junwei Li, Weiguo Yan, Jing Ya, Xiangfeng Wu. Piezoelectric polarization assisted WO3/CdS photoanode improved carrier separation efficiency via CdS phase regulation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46: 36113-36123. IF:7.139JCR二区】

(41) Zhichao Hao, Zhengang Guo*, Mengnan Ruan, Jing Ya, Yong Yang, Xiangfeng Wu, Zhifeng Liu*. Multifunctional WO3/NiCo2O4 heterojunction with extensively exposed bimetallic Ni/Co redox reaction sites for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. ChemCatChem, 2021, 13: 271-280. IF:5.497JCR二区】

(42) Hongxia Qian, Zhifeng Liu*, Bo Zhang, Junwei Li, Jing Ya. Optimized the carrier transport path and separation efficiency of 2D/2D heterojunction in photoelectrochemical water splitting. ChemCatChem, 2021, 13: 1940-1950. IF:5.497JCR二区】

(43) Hongxia Qian, Zhifeng Liu*, Jing Ya, Ying Xin, Jianli Ma, Xiangfeng Wu. Construction homojunction and co-catalyst in ZnIn2S4 photoelectrode by Co ion doping for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 867: 159028. IF:6.371JCR二区】

(44) Zhengang Guo, Zhifeng Liu*. Synthesis and control strategies of nanomaterials for photoelectrochemical water splitting. Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50: 1983-1989. IF:4.569JCR二区】

(45) Zhenxiang Qiao, Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Weiguo Yan, Xiangfeng Wu. Thermal excitation polarized field drives photo-electric catalysis to achieve efficient degradation of dyes in BaTiO3/CdS heterojunction through integration of solar and thermal energy. ChemPhotoChem, 2021, 5: 1106-1118. IF:3.679JCR二区】

(46) Zhenxiang Qiao, Chengyi Wang*, Yongjin Zou*, Xiangfeng Wu, Zhifeng Liu*. Oxygen vacancy and pyroelectric polarization collaboratively enhancing PEC performance in BaTiO3 photoelectrodes. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 647: 129073. IF:5.518JCR二区】

(47) Mingyang Ma, Lei E*, Dan Zhao, Ying Xin, Xiangfeng Wu, Yue Meng*, Zhifeng Liu*. The p-n heterojunction of BiVO4/Cu2O was decorated by plasma Ag NPs for efficient photoelectrochemical degradation of Rhodamine B. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2022, 633: 127834. IF:5.518JCR二区】

(48) Zixu Li, Zhifeng Liu*, Junwei Li, Weiguo Yan. The electrochromic properties of the film enhanced by introducing oxygen vacancies to crystalline tungsten oxide. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 641: 128615. IF:5.518JCR二区】

(49) Zhifeng Liu*, Zhenxiang Qiao, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Weiguo Yan. Doping Sr and introducing oxygen vacancies in Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3-X synergistically promote the pyro-photo-electric catalysis performance. ChemCatChem, 2022, 14: e202200357. IF:5.497JCR二区】

(50) Quanyou Zhao1, Zhichao Hao1, Yue Meng*, Zhifeng Liu*. The synergistic effect of surface and bulk O vacancies in WO3 photoanode to advance carriers separation and light harvesting for photoelectrochemical water splitting. Dalton Transactions, 2022, 51: 6454-6463. IF:4.569JCR二区】

(51) Hongxia Qian, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Jianli Ma. Hexagonal phase/cubic phase homogeneous ZnIn2S4 n-n junction photoanode for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 830: 154639. IF:6.371JCR二区】

(52) Yayao Lan, Mengnan Ruan*, Zhengang Guo, Jianli Ma, Zhifeng Liu*. 2D tremella-like Co6Al2CO3(OH)16•4H2O in-situ growing on 1D rod-shape ZnFe2O4 to accelerate the surface reaction kinetics for photoelectrochemical water splitting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 823: 153714. IF:6.371JCR二区】

(53) Zhichao Hao, Zhifeng Liu*, Yanting Li, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan. Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of 2D core-shell WO3/CuWO4 uniform heterojunction via in situ synthesis and modification of Co-Pi co-catalyst. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45: 16550-16559. IF:7.139JCR二区】

(54) Zhengang Guo*, Xiaofeng Wang, Yangqin Gao, Zhifeng Liu*. Co/Cu-modified NiO film grown on nickel foam as a highly active and stable electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49: 1776-1784. IF:4.569JCR二区】

(55) Haiyang Xing, Lei E, Dan Zhao, Xifei Li, Mengnan Ruan*, Zhifeng Liu*. High-efficiency and stable cupric oxide photocathode coupled with Al surface plasmon resonance and Al2O3 self-passivation. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55: 15093-15096. IF:6.065JCR二区】

(56) Yayao Lan, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Xifei Li, Yufeng Zhao. 2D elongated polyhedral-like YVO4 films: a novel photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55: 10468-10471. IF:6.065JCR二区】

(57) Yayao Lan, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Ying Xin. Accelerating the charge separation of ZnFe2O4 nanorods by Cu-Sn ions gradient doping for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 552: 111-121. IF:9.965JCR二区】

(58) Haiyang Xing, Lei E*, Zhengang Guo, Dan Zhao, Xifei Li, Zhifeng Liu*. Exposing photocorrosion mechanism and control strategies of CuO photocathode. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6: 2488-2499. IF:7.779JCR二区】

(59) Peidong Wu, Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Lei Zhao. Cobalt-phosphate modified Fe-Zn0.2Cd0.8S/CuSbS2 heterojunction photoanode with multiple synergistic effect for enhancing photoelectrochemical water splitting. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 476: 716-723. IF:7.392JCR二区】

(60) Peidong Wu, Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Xifei Li, Lei Zhao. Zn1-xCdxS nanowall photoanode prepared via seed layer epitaxial growth method and modified by dual co-catalyst for photoelectrochemical water splitting. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 467-468: 65-74. IF:7.392JCR二区】

(61) Yayao Lan, Zhifeng Liu*, Gang Liu, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Hui Rong, Xifei Li. 1D ZnFe2O4 nanorods coupled with plasmonic Ag, Ag2S nanoparticles and Co-Pi cocatalysts for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44: 19841-19854. IF:7.139JCR二区】

(62) Yanting Li, Zhifeng Liu*, Jing Zhang, Zhengang Guo, Ying Xin, Lei Zhao. 1D/0D WO3/CdS heterojunction photoanodes modified with dual co-catalysts for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 790: 493-501. IF:6.371JCR二区】

l 科研及其他奖励

[1] 高效光电催化分解水电极的构筑及调控策略基础研究,2022年度天津市自然科学三等奖,第一。

[2] 基于超亲水和超疏水的自清洁玻璃关键技术及应用,2020年度天津市科学技术进步二等奖,第一。

[3] 环保型无机建筑保温材料关键技术研究,2016年度天津市科学技术进步三等奖,第二。

[4] 水处理用沸石分子筛负载光催化复合材料,2015年度天津市科学技术进步三等奖,第一。

[5] 有机染(颜)料清洁生产及浓盐水处理关键技术,2015年度天津市科学技术进步一等奖,第十二。

[6] 纳米晶太阳能电池复合多孔电极膜,2013年度天津市科学技术进步三等奖,第一。

[7] 光纤连接器陶瓷套管,2011年度天津市科学技术进步三等奖,第三。

[8] 2022、2015、2014年天津市优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。

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